Album Review!!
1989 by Taylor Swift (2014) I'd been meaning to listen to this album for quite some time now in one go, and I must say, it's definitely one of the better ones that queen T has graced us with. I listened to it on a moody afternoon, wind blowing, signs of rain in the sky, and I found myself quietly appreciating Taylor's voice, her words, the many personal highs and lows that we are but spectators of. My favourite song would hands down be the third one- Style. It's just a perfect encapsulation of WHY Taylor is still around, and why she just continues to get bigger. When she goes crashing down, she does back each time, and for the foreseeable future, I don't see her going out of style. Blank Space is of course, Taylor's attempt at "satirising" her own urban legend. Sure sis *winks* it's a parody . Also, throwback at all the annoying gals on my social media who posted their photos with the caption- "Darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like...