Parasakthi (1952)

How can a movie be relevant and relatable 69 years after its release? Watch Parasakthi to find out.

It won't be a stretch to say that this movie was nothing short of a revelation. The story hits as hard today as it must have done back when it was first released: it has multiple anti-caste narratives, addresses sexual harassment at the workplace, shows how vulnerable widows and their children are, and finally, exposes the futility of war without ever directly highlighting the war itself. It really should come as no surprise that the movie continues to be discussed even now, in both academic and non-academic circles. 

As for Sivaji Ganesan, I have nothing to say except that I am officially a simp. It's hard to believe this was his cinematic debut (he had worked as a theatre artist previously) because he lives his character so effortlessly. It's the kind of performance that makes you want to look up every single thing the actor has been a part of, honestly.

In conclusion, Karunanidhi really did know what was up (and what would continue to be up) when he wrote this. 


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