Castle in the Sky (1986)

Oh man. Those Tumblr posts are really starting to make sense now- the ones that go I just want to go and live inside a Studio Ghibli movie.

Can I just say that this is the perfect movie to watch on the first day of a 21-day long lockdown? It will transport you to this beautiful world, and for 2 hours, you can forget the dreary reality of the world.

Loved the random Ramayana reference hehehe. And the adorableness of it all. Delightful is a common adjective grown-ups use to describe media and literature intended for kids, but if one movie deserves to be labelled "delightful", it's this one. I already can't wait to rewatch it one day, hopefully with my girlfriend.

Also, I totally need a vacation to Laputa. Just saying. And if I ever go back on Twitter, I'm so using Laputa as my location.


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