Nuvvostanante Nenoddantana (2005)

I knew I'd love this movie from the moment Sunil came in, waiting to receive Siddharth and his mother at the airport.

Nuvvostanante Nenoddantana (I love this name btw) is the perfect balance of everything- half the time, I was laughing hysterically, and the other half, I was trying to rein in my emotions. The music is GREAT, and the accompanying visuals make the songs even more memorable. There is something so magical about Chandrulo Unde especially; I can't wait to play it on the next rainy day and just zone out to it while drinking a nice cup of coffee (can't believe it took an actual pandemic-induced lockdown for me to learn how to make good coffee, a drink that basically constitutes at least half of my bloodstream). (I am drinking coffee as I write this, obviously).

One thing that I particularly admire about this movie is how well it has aged. There was hardly any problematic or even cringe-inducing factor, except perhaps the bit where Santosh (Siddharth) makes Siri (Trisha) feel guilty for refusing to kiss him. However, even that part is handled more maturely than I expected. Also, Annayya (Srihari) is the perfect representation (I'm going to be using the word 'perfect' a lot in this "review") of an elder brother to a sister. There is just no comparison. From the beginning itself, I had major feels about their relationship, and I cried more for them than for Santosh and Siri in the end. It's just so good ugh. I also loved Santosh's relationship with his dad (Prakash Raj, this time in a non-evil role) (how many movies has this man done btw? I swear, out of every 5 South Indian movies I see, he's in 6 of them). They consider each other "best friends" and it SHOWS. The mother (Geetha) tho, pure evil. She didn't even have to say a word, just her expression was enough for me to simultaneously hate her and be terrified of her. Literally, if she was in any way related to me, I'd hide/run away/cower in fear.

As for Sunil, what can I even say? He was legit my favourite part of the movie- I was constantly waiting for him to appear, and say/do something iconic, but he never let me down. Don't get me wrong, I loved my boi Sid too, and Trisha and Srihari, but it's Sunil who made the entire experience so unforgettable for me.

In conclusion, this is one of the movies that I can't wait to rewatch. Also, the urge to slap ALLL the villains in this movie is too real. 


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