The Apartment (1960)

So this little gem completed 60 years yesterday, and as it had been on my radar for a while now, I thought, "no better and more appropriate time than now to finally see it".

The Apartment made me realise just why that era of Hollywood is known as the "Golden Age"- the dialogues are exquisite, the performances are the right blend of funny and "cinematic" (for want of a better word), and the story has a real soul, that speaks to you after all these years. The film has aged really well, at least better than what I was expecting after reading the "blurb". It really is a big mirror, as well as a big fuck you to corporate capitalism and its insistence on meritocracy, which of course I appreciated whole-heartedly. 

Also, the bit where Fran (Shirley MacLaine) tells Sheldrake (Fred MacMurray) why she cut her hair? I-fuckin-conic. As someone who cuts her hair after every heartbreak in her life (not limited to the romantic ones), it's nice to see women of all time and places doing the same. We are so valid. Also, I really need a haircut. 


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