Nagavalli (2010)

Let me just get this out of my system: Anushka Shetty is very stupidly under-utilised in this movie. I feel like she was more suited to play the role of Gowri. And honestly, both Anushka and Venkatesh are fully capable of doing double roles, and had that happened, we would have been truly blessed. 

Venky obviously carries the movie on his very capable shoulders. The man is funny, entertaining, brilliant- basically, his performance is the only thing that makes this movie enjoyable, or even engaging. If you have seen Fazil's Manichithrathazhu (1993) or any of its many remakes and derivatives, the plot is pretty easy to figure out. As with most horror movies, they focused more on jump scares, and less on making the plot actually terrifying, which was a great waste since Sweety was absolutely terrifying in the small space she'd been given in that capacity. The mirror scene in particular could have been the stuff that haunts one for years, had it not been for the ridiculously over-the-top make-up and effects. Sigh. Wasted potential, which is what makes me truly dislike a movie. 

In conclusion, just watch/rewatch Manichithrathazhu.


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