Cheeni Kum (2007)

Tabu is so beautiful as Nina, I legit cannot think of anything else. I loved all her Delhi girl outfits, but what I loved most was how much I related to her, and just wanted to sit down with her over a cup of coffee, and have a nice chat about life and everything else when I was done with the movie. Queen things, I tell you.

I had been reluctant to (re)watch Cheeni Kum till now, because I felt a little ehhh about the age gap. But the movie makes it seem so natural that you actually end up rooting for the couple! I liked how Amitabh slowly transforms, yet not fully. He's still annoying, but has other personality features apart from that. Paresh Rawal is A1 as Nina's Gandhian father (LOL to Politician Paresh tho) who bulldozes over an uncharacteristically tongue-tied Amitabh. My favourite (after Tabu, duh), though, has to be Zohra Sehgal as Amitabh's mom. What perfection, man. The mother-son dynamics are also very accurate and leave you giggling. However, I feel very ambiguous about the whole Sexy (Swini Khara) storyline, and if there has to be one fatal flaw in the movie for me, it's her trajectory. Otherwise, this movie is pretty much perfect.

Thank god for movies that have aged well, and seem fresh, fun and frothy even after 13 years. And of course, thank god for the miracle that is Tabu and her cinematic universe. Amen.


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