David (2013)

First of all, what was that galeez dubbing for Tabu? I swear, I was annoyed from the second she started speaking. No disrespect to the dubbing artist, but it was a very jarring choice for both Queen T and her character Frenny, and definitely added to my ambivalent response to the story.

From the very beginning, David comes off as rather an ambitious film, and I'm not sure if it entirely succeeds in its objective. The thing is, the two stories are basically incomparable- one deals with religious fundamentalism and the lived experiences of minorities, and the other with a thoroughly unpleasant man going through some sort of romantic crisis. The former is excellently done- nothing but praise for the way that story is written and executed, and for the performances of Jiiva, Nassar and Rohini Hattangadi. Nassar's shaving scene will probably haunt me till the day I die, and for that alone I will recommend the movie. No, I'm serious. It is so not disappointing.

However, what is patently disappointing is the other storyline, the one with Vikram and Tabu (may god forgive me for blasphemy). I had to struggle really hard to not fast forward through the entire thing at one point, and well, I compromised and only watched the bits with Tabu. I don't think I missed out on too much anyway. The other David was so exasperating, and his typical man-child behaviour gave me war flashbacks so I was just not interested. I would have preferred it if he was gay, and had feelings for Peter instead of Roma. In fact, I think he had feelings for Peter only (who is shown to be his only friend) and the whole Roma thing was just a repression mechanism where he latched onto the first woman he saw after having the subconscious realisation about his queerness. Didn't he spend a good amount of time whining about how no women interested him? Yeah, buddy boy, I got your number.

I honestly did not anticipate the "connection" at all, and was quite shook when I realised what was happening. That was honestly the only tolerable part about the whole Vikram storyline for me. Apart from that, I am just mad that we didn't get a full-length movie about the Jiiva storyline. Also, Queen T would have rocked more had they gotten a better dubbing artist. Her own voice would have been perfect only, sigh. What a wasted potential.


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