F2: Fun and Frustration (2019)

The only positive thing I can say about this movie is that it is very aptly titled: while it is always fun to see Venkatesh being Venkatesh, everything else is frustrating as hell. Actually, no. Hell would be less frustrating than this mess of a movie. By the last half hour, I had completely lost track of what the plot was supposed to be, and I think it was the same case with the filmmakers. It was a 90s movie with the late 2010s aesthetics and production values, but also somehow more regressive than a 90s movie because you'd think that by now value systems would have changed. Also, the "Honey is the best!" has intensified my aversion to honey and will probably haunt me till the day I die. 

In conclusion, I just fervently hope that the next comedy Venky does has a solid script, and not just him and the other actors trying their hardest but failing because at the end of the day, there's only so much you can do with a goddamn boomer whatsapp joke. 


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