Maya Mayooram (1993)


Let's face it: any movie where Shobana dances, even for 30 seconds, is going to be a good movie. Yes, I have simple tastes and needs in life, what about it? Also, Revathi is top-notch here (not that she isn't everywhere, but this time the script and everything else backs up her massive talent) and her performance is something I honestly wouldn't mind studying academically, it is that good. Even though the initial bits were quite creepy (trigger warning for stalking and other classic "romantic" behaviours), what saved my interest in the movie was Revathi. And I'm glad it happened that way, because the ending... 

The ending actually deserves an essay of its own: the last 5 minutes terrified me more than entire "horror" films have. It was the kind of terror that shook the very foundations of the what separates belief from disbelief; even now, days after having seen the movie, and having discussed it with 2 friends, I am still not entirely sure of what I saw and perceived, not just in the ending, but in the entire movie itself. "Who exactly was Naren (Mohanlal)?"- this is the question that troubles me most. There was something unearthly about him from the beginning itself. The elaborate pranks, the lies, the creepiness, the hold he seemed to have over Nanda (Revathi), the obsession he had with her and evoked in her give him an almost supernatural dimension, especially in light of the ending. And it's not just the ending honestly. Even during the romance bits, when events were at their breeziest, there was an undercurrent of unease that made me want to protect my baby Nanda at all costs. To say I was heartbroken by what transpired would be an understatement- for quite some time, I felt hopeless, which convinced me that Nanda was actually supposed to have depression in the movie. My friend pointed out this one line that she says- "I'll die if I have nothing to live for", which further strengthened my depression theory. And now I must say that I found the depiction of depression in that character very realistic. They don't show her as someone who mopes around all the time, or does stereotypical stuff like "avoid relationships" or whatever. She's shown as a normal person who likes to have fun when she can, but inside her there's a void that she really does not know what to do with. Again, this is all just speculation on my part- the movie never explicitly states that Nanda is depressed.

Coming to Shobana now: I just want to say that it was a huge fucking relief to not have her die in a movie for once, AND get her man. Wow queen really was thriving. Also, her romance with Unni (Mohanlal) was cute and wholesome. I loved their bond, I loved how he reassured her instead of getting mad at her, and I loved how he was very clear in his head that he would not betray her at all. The family was super cringe, by the way- great upper-caste representation. I hated how they wanted Nanda and Unni to marry, despite both of them being opposed to the idea. Poor Nanda, she deserved better. But again, I liked how Unni never faltered for even a second. This is the kind of loyalty everyone deserves and nothing less. I hope Unni and Bhadra (Shobana) had a happily-ever-after, and never returned to that house. And even though it gives me shivers to think this, I do hope Nanda also found her happiness with Naren in some afterlife. 

Finally, I must announce that this was the first time that I probably felt the 'Lalettan magic'. Cheers to that. 


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