Kapoor & Sons (2016)

If there's one thing this film gets right, it's the typically desi dysfunctional family and its petty and not-so-petty conflicts. I could relate to so much of the drama, and I'm sure others could too, which is why you see it being considered as something of a modern classic. Also in an era where "woke" movies are preachy about their "message", Kapoor & Sons believes in the philosophy of "simple is always better" and never tries to take the moral high ground with any character or their story. There is no good or evil here, just humans who make mistakes and live with them. And with the mistakes of others too, because well, such is life. 

Ratna ma'am, I only have the one heart, how many times are you planning on stealing it? Seriously though, I can't stop thinking about how she enriched this movie with her presence- a sublime yet impactful queen. I also LOVED my boy Fawad here. Brilliant, sensitive, funny, lovely, brave; all adjectives are less for him in this movie. Really hating everything again because we won't get more of him in Hindi movies anytime soon. Bollywood's loss, honestly. No wonder the industry is ready to explode on itself. Thanks for absolutely nothing, KJo, I officially have beef with you now. 

Moving on- I personally related the most with Arjun, played by Sidharth Malhotra, who surpassed my expectations here. However, I would never fall for the manic pixie dream girl, that too one played by Alia Bhatt. No hate or anything like that for her, but I just don't think I'm a fan. Or that I can be one. But anyway, I found her character to be the weakest link in an otherwise strongly-written and executed script, and I honestly don't think we would have missed a lot by eliminating her. Just saying. Also, if you want to write "quirky" female characters, the least you can do is not make them completely generic and predictable and give them the worst lines. #feminism

Another huge plus point for me was the music- I have not stopped listening to "Ladki Beautiful" or "Bolna" since last night. God bless. 

In conclusion, more of this Bollywood, please and thank you. Also, beta tu bahar mil @ KJo.


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