Namaste Wahala (2020)

First of all, this was not the Bollywood x Nollywood collab that we deserved in this tough time. The production values were OFF, and even if you can forgive that like I tried to (my friends were way less forgiving, as they should), the story itself was such a jumbled mess that I wanted to sleep halfway into the movie, not caring what was going to happen next. Maybe watching terrible movies is the right way to get rid of my closure issues, but I digress. Anyway, this honestly felt like six student films crammed into one, which resulted in such a half-baked half-assed weakling of a movie that by the time it ended, all you felt was rage which was intensified because right when it ends, the movie also casually jokes about dowry. Yes, as if everything else wasn't bad enough, we're now normalising dowry too. Beautiful Indian values, indeed. Don't even get me started on the Indiansplaining done by the director herself of Nigerian women- that discourse was so messed up. I was right with the movie till that point, as bad as it was, but that was my limit. Also why was Angie given so less screen time, considering that she was played by the only semi-decent actor in the entire cast? 

All I can think of right now is the kind of impact an actually good Bolly x Nolly film could have had. I just hope this trend continues and one day we get the brilliance that we need. Till then, stan Angie and maybe Emma. And Raj's dad because he's the only boomer Indian man ever. Why was he not at the wedding omg WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS MOVIE I CANNOT. 


  1. Bummer! I was looking forward to this one :/

    1. yes so was i!! the concept in itself sounds amaze, and i tried really hard to be kind while viewing it but it was nothing but a lost opportunity :/


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