Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Oh, to be a side character in a Joe Wright period drama, getting to witness Keira Knightley being an absolute phenomenon...

I love everything about this movie- it's so personal to me, and I can't put it into words. The way it's shot, the background score, the perfect casting: everything works together brilliantly, and I'm left grinning like a fool by the end, because it makes me so very happy each and every time. Easily one of Keira's best performances, and it's no small feat considering that her character is that of a universally beloved Jane Austen heroine, in fact, THE Jane Austen heroine, the one who is remembered first everytime we talk about the great author. Elizabeth Bennet herself. Matthew Macfayden is arguably the best iteration of Mr. Darcy. The way you can physically feel his awkwardness, and feel second-hand embarrassment more often than not on his behalf is exactly what this character demands. Same with Donald Sutherland, who is 100% accurate as Mr. Bennet. I am also very happy to announce that I absolutely cannot unsee Rosamund Pike as Amy Dunne, which adds another delicious layer to her portrayal of the sweet and kind Jane Bennet. Whoever was behind the casting choices was truly ahead of their time.



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