Socha Na Tha (2005)

Never thought anything could top Jab We Met (2007) in the Imtiaz Ali Cinematic Universe, but we have a very, very close contender. Don't tell Shahid, but the only reason Socha Na Tha hasn't completely toppled off Jab We Met is because of the insane crush I had on him and his character, and which I still think fondly of (my crush, not Shahid himself) for some obscure reason. And also because I was obsessedTM with Jab We Met for a long time, and the album is superior to the Socha Na Tha album by a long shot. But anyway, my main point is that Socha Na Tha is Imtiaz Ali at his peak- an unbelievably cheesy rom-com handled in a realistic and fresh way, starring two actors with insane chemistry and who look so cute that you fall a little (or maybe more than a little) in love with them while watching the movie. 

This definitely has all the entrapments of a "comfort watch" for me- the way the pieces fall together neatly (enough) and some dialogues that hit too close to home are major reasons why, along with the dRaMa. And the fact that almost every character is a bit of a dick, obviously, since it is one of my favourite things ever. Honestly though, the love story is so well done that I don't even need anything else. Despite everything that could have gone wrong with the execution, the story stays funny and charming, while never being too simplistic. I really appreciated how Karen was never the straight-up villain: her humanisation should serve as a lesson to everyone who writes the girlfriend character in the most god-awful way possible. It was also really enjoyable to watch everyone ask the male protagonist if he had gone mad, or if he cared about anyone except himself, or that he was a jerk. Basically, showing him the mirror at every available opportunity. And when I say everyone, I literally mean everyone. Entertainment at its finest, methinks. 

In conclusion, can't believe it took me this long to get to the very first entry on Imtiaz uncle's filmography. And I also can't believe that at age almost-24, I appreciate it immensely, considering how I have spent the last couple of years trolling him and studiously avoiding Jab We Met, because I don't want another childhoodruined moment. But I think it's time I face my past again. Inshallah, the boys shall play well. 


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