Cook Up a Storm (2017)

Everything about this was hilarious, but unintentionally. After a while, even the food shots lost their charm for me, and I hung only because this film was in the "so good it's bad" territory. The two leads were terrible actors- I suffered a lot of second-hand embarrassment watching them try to emote basic expressions. Nicholas Tse in particular was so bad with the same 2 expressions throughout the movie. It also reeked of an Indian mass movie, with its random elevation scenes and songs, which lowkey raised my hopes up only to have them come crashing down within the next few minutes. The tension between them could also have been used for some excellent gay content, but nah. This movie stuck to its belief in being as cringe as possible. The only good thing about this was that it was short and that the storyline was interesting enough to watch till the end. Otherwise, a lost opportunity.

In conclusion, I just remembered how much I love Chinese food, and now I dislike this movie even more. 


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