Mary Queen of Scots (2018)

This is probably one of the worst historical movies ever made, if not the worst. I only have rudimentary knowledge of the whole Mary-Elizabeth drama (derived mostly from the young adult The Royal Diaries series which were honestly some of my favourite books growing up) and even I could clearly see that the characterisations of the historical figures were way off. There was an obvious attempt at portraying Mary as the morally and ethically superior woman, which is fine- filmmakers and storytellers are, and should be, free to interpret events in their own way. But it is absolutely disgraceful when there is not a single layer or nuance to Elizabeth's character. Show her as a villain, sure, but do not show her as a useless moron who relied only on the counsel of the men around her, and was jealous of Mary because of her "womanly attributes". It is even more shameful when you realise that it was a woman directing the movie, especially such a wokeTM woman who was okay with casting POC actors for confirmed white historical figures, because she refused to make a period drama with only white characters. I don't even know how to respond to such galaxy brain thinking. Oh, and spoiler alert: wokeTM white woman director (of course) also had no qualms about using the "queer character dies" trope. Lovely.

Mary Queen of Scots also finally made me realise what everyone means when they use the word "hammy" for performances, because literally every actor here (except for David Fricking Brilliant Tennant) was hamming it up. I know Saoirse Ronan is supposedly a universally acclaimed actress and I want to keep an open mind about her, but my god, her acting was so bad here I had to skip through scenes just to avoid looking at her. Margot Robbie was tolerable, and had they written her part better, she might even have been good. But honestly, David Tennant was the only one who came close to saving the movie- but since his role was quite short, he didn't even get that opportunity. Shame.

In conclusion, the sex scenes traumatised me. Watch this movie at your own risk.


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