Cake (2018)

I knew from the beginning of Cake itself that it would resonate with me, because the first scene is literally how I imagine what it would be like if I still live with my parents 10 years down the line. I also suspected from the start only that Zareen (Aamina Sheikh) was a middle child, and well, not surprising that I was right since it was a scarily accurate representation- so much so, that I wanted to cry at one point.

The strongest aspect of this movie are the performances- it's very easy to tell that every actor has given it their all, resulting in wonderful dynamics between each of them, and added nuance and layers to the story. As for the story, it is so relatable and realistically written that I couldn't help but be fully engrossed in it. Every character felt like someone I knew (except Zareen, because Zareen was me), and their journeys were all too familiar. I appreciated how no one was a villain and everyone was treated with empathy and love. I do wish the movie had explored its class politics a bit more, that was the only thing lacking here. And also Romeo's identity as a person belonging to a minority religion, and what implications that would have on his and Zareen's future.

This was just the kind of feel-good film I needed, and honestly, just want to give my main girl Zareen a tight hug. And I will never get over how good an actor Sanam Saeed is, she fricking sold both Kashaf from Zindagi Gulzar Hai and Zara from Cake so hard that I just don't know what to do with my life anymore except stan her with all my heart. 

PS- Zareen wanting to get out of a party 30 seconds after she enters it is the only mood ever. 


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