My Life (1993)

If this movie proves one thing, it's that Nicole Kidman can breathe life into even the most one-dimensional of characters. Gail didn't really have any depth to her at all, but the way Nicole sank her teeth into the role makes her memorable, and also makes the movie much better than it would have been otherwise. 

I walked into this one with some trepidation, I'm not gonna lie- I had seen this years ago on TV, and I was afraid this wouldn't have aged well, or worse, I would find it boring. But thankfully, both assumptions came out to be negative. I didn't have too much patience with the Chinese therapy thing, but otherwise, all well and good. Even cried a little in the circus scene. Mostly loved Nicole only though- there's something about the 90s and the few white women I love that I cannot outgrow, and I don't want to outgrow. It's like they're at the peaks of their beauty or something for me in that era. Or maybe I really am unhealthily attached to the 90s. Whatever.

In conclusion, I thought I'd ugly cry myself to sleep after this movie, but surprisingly I felt peaceful and content. Not a bad movie at all. 


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