All the President's Men (1976)

My professor made us watch half of this American classic in class, and I can't think of anything more appropriate considering his personality. But this "review" is about the film, and not him, so I will try sticking to the point now.

I know a lot has been said about Robert Redford's performance in the movie, but the real scene-stealer for me was Dustin Hoffman. He kept up the pace of the movie wonderfully, and was a sheer delight to witness in some scenes. 

Apart from that, the movie works primarily as a historical document about the insane Watergate scandal that continues to stun people even today. I'm not a big follower of American politics or anything like that, but this one was intriguing, to say the least.

In conclusion, if nothing else, you'll feel suspiciously like a filmbro once you're done with this. And every once in a while, it's good to remind oneself of how the other side lives. 


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