Aparan (1988)

It will probably take me a rewatch to fully understand Aparan's screenplay (full credits to P. Padmarajan, who I am convinced was a genius), but man, what a wild ride this was. Especially the ending!! Jayaram scared the living hell out of me in just 2 minutes, which is as perfect a start to the new year as any. 

The background score was a whole other trip— it really got under my skin and despite the shoddy subtitling, managed to creep me out. 

Also, Shobana and Jayaram's chemistry is superior and this movie just proves it, since their romance isn't even the main point of the movie. The way they look at each other, the way their scenes together lighten up the rest of the movie without detracting from its main focus, the way their romance makes sense even in the middle of everything else that is going on; all of it is precious, and makes me even more glad to have watched the movie. 

Finally, I have to say that it's high time someone restores Aparan and subtitles it properly. Classics shouldn't be going to waste in this careless and dangerous way!


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